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Sunday, October 16, 2011

How to Get Better Nutrition for Less Money

Eating healthy doesn't mean you need to break the bank. Here are tips on how to make your healthy foods go far.

Buy in-season. Modern technology allows us to grow crops in climates and at times they naturally would not thrive. However, the availability, price, and even flavor are usually best when fruits and veggies are grown in season. Stick to seasonal eating to avoid paying insane prices on a pint of strawberries in winter.

Go to farmers’ markets. When you buy direct from producers, prices are significantly cheaper and you can be sure of freshness. Plus, you’re supporting people in your own community.

Plant your own garden. Grow your own tomatoes, beans, and potatoes at home. Radishes and rhubarb are among the easiest vegetables to grow. For more information on home gardening.

Plan well. Shop only for what you need (and not when you’re hungry – you’ll buy more) to prepare the meals you have in mind. Exception: Buy in bulk during sales, and prepare dishes you can freeze. You can also buy already frozen or canned items, which last longer and may be cheaper. Food should never go to waste, but check expiration dates before you eat to stay safe.

Cook smart. When fruits are getting too ripe, you can still use them for baking or making smoothies. Think of meal ideas that stretch pricy items: stews, casseroles, stir-fry.

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